
Acclaro was instrumental in helping us take a customer centric approach in redefining our target segments, solutions and capabilities to meet customer needs. We could not have accomplished this level of expansion without the focus and clarity provided by Katherine’s extensive experience, processes and management capability.

SVP Sales & Marketing

‘Acclaro was instrumental in helping us build renewed energy and strategies focused on important client retention initiatives, as well as provide clarity around customers and their future needs as the catalyst for transforming our solution roadmap. They brought processes and asked the questions that pushed our team to think differently, resulting in innovative solution concepts to help us unlock important customer segments’


Acclaro was our guiding light for building out our structure, content and strategy to shepherd a diverse group of business, medical and community leaders to an aligned 5 year vision and goals. We could not have gotten the quality output achieved without Katherine’s insight, expertise and facilitation skills.


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26 Silver Ridge Dr, Fernie, BC V0B1M2

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